
Before contacting us, check the below FAQs and you may find many of the answers you’re looking for below in a much shorter time. But if you still need assistance get in touch.

Embark on the magical journey with our chocolate bars! They're available online and in-store. Plus, don't miss the exclusive content and updates on our Telegram channel.

No! Don't Fall for Imposters!

Beware of copycats on Instagram and Telegram. They are NOT us!

Verify our official social accounts under "Contact" to avoid scams. We won't reach out from any other account. Stay safe, steer clear of scams!

Magic Mushrooms are nature's psychedelic wonders, featuring Psilocybin, a psychedelic prodrug. Once consumed, Psilocybin transforms into Psilocin, mimicking serotonin in the brain. Get ready for euphoria, hallucinations, time distortion, spiritual exploration, and a darn good time!

Microdosing involves consuming tiny amounts of psilocybin (0.1 – 0.6 grams), delivering benefits without hallucinations. Experience heightened creativity, energy, focus, enhanced senses, pain relief, and decreased stress. Check our Dosing Guide and Microdose Schedule for the full scoop.

Choose your rhythm! Popular schedules include one dose every third day or daily dosing for five days with a two-day break. Avoid daily microdosing to prevent tolerance. Learn more on our Microdose Schedule.

Morning magic! Take your microdoses in the morning for uninterrupted sleep and to amplify positive effects. On your first morning, clear your schedule for a few hours in case you need time to relax until the trip subsides.

Dose wisely! Beginners, start with no more than 1 gram. Experienced trippers may enjoy a larger dose of 2 grams+. Everyone is unique, so begin small and gain confidence. Explore more on our Dosing Guide.

Patience is key! Effects kick in around 30 minutes to 1 hour, varying per person. Always wait an hour before considering an additional dose. We've even known some people to take 3 hours before feeling the efftects (but they had eaten a full meal prior). Better to err on the side of caution!

Unlock a positive journey with these steps:

  • Create a cozy environment (most crucial!)
  • Avoid mixing with other substances
  • Stay hydrated
  • Set intentions or goals
  • Start small, find your perfect dose on our Dosing Guide
  • Embrace a positive attitude. Relax and enjoy the trip!

Get in touch

We’ve tackled the top FAQs to the left here. However if you still have any queries, drop us a message below or hit us up on one of our social channels.

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